What is a concept store?
The story of the concept store dates back years. These shops or shops were born from 1950 in England on the famous King’s Road. The concept stores then democratized in the country and then throughout Europe. It is precisely from the arrival of store stores in Italy that the term "concept store" was born. This was invented by a sociologist called Francesco Morace in 1991. These shops or shops stand out for Diversity of products that they offer customers. It is even difficult to give an ample and complete definition to so -called "concept store" shops.
At Flowrette, we want to create lots of different handicrafts. The dried flowers were our first product. Today, we want to offer you several different products and create a real universe with you. Our challenge is to offer you quality craft products. That you like and last over time.
This is why the word that now characterizes Flowrette is the idea of concept store.
You can discover all our products by returning to theE-shop from our concept store.
If you want to know more about the definition of the concept store, we let you read this article.
Definition of a concept store
First of all, it is necessary to provide a complete and precise definition of a concept store. From when can we consider that a shop or a store is a concept store? There are several criteria that must be met to consider a shop as a concept store. Above all, we will notice the multitude of products put up for sale in this type of shop. THE Original customer journey also constitutes a distinctive feature of the concept stores.
Finally, we believe that a concept store is interesting when there is a real product research and an exclusive side, trendy in the selection of partner products and brands.

There Product selection In a concept store
A concept store is characterized by the wide variety of products it offers. We discover in particular pieces of art for decoration. However, the shops and which are called concept store are not limited to a single product universe. The offer of a concept store can be very (very) wide: there are many products ranging from clothing to DIY, including food, catering and sometimes even beauty and cosmetics. You can even find electric apparatus. There is no limit in the products that can be found there. It is in this spirit that we understand Flowrette currently. The concept store is also and often an ideal place to find in particular gift ideas to offer!
Among all the products offered in a concept store, some articles stand out from others by their uniqueness. In reality, these are creations made by craftsmen, amateurs or renowned. Store concepts host objects to manufacture objects original. These are shaped from raw raw materials or with existing elements. Unlike conventional resellers, the concept stores play on the exclusive side of their product. At Flowrette we try to go even further in the concept by creating or co-creating the majority of our products with French artisans or elsewhere, known and recognized for their know-how.
A Single customer journey

In a concept store, we do not only come to look for a particular article or a brand and even less fashionable objects. We come there mainly to make discovery. Not necessarily to make a specific purchase but also to flane. This is a whole new consumption mode. The customer has the possibility of making interesting grouped purchases due to the diversity of the universes and themes produced. We no longer limit ourselves to a shop by type of product and that is a real plus when we are looking for gift ideas for example.
Another definition of a concept store emerges through the proposed customer journey. It comes down to this: a store or a designer For creators. Indeed, the concept stores offer real experience, and it is even possible to participate in workshops to create articles in a concept store. The concept store thus becomes a full -fledged place of life, and there is very often a good time just to stroll and have a good time.
For what Flowrette is a concept store?
We are of course not the first in France, but the Flowrette company has been an original concept store since its beginnings, thanks to flowery and poetic craft creations. Even if we embarked on the dried flower market, our particularity has always been the exclusive side of our creations. Our creations are made in our workshop or in co-creation with craftsmen. Generally, the design of each product is made by Flowrette. So you cannot find them everywhere as in a classic concept store. The other peculiarity of Flowrette is the notion of craftsmanship. By highlighting crafts in all its forms, and valuing know-how, Flowrette is a unique concept store to have fun.
Of the founders enthusiast
Elodie & Côme, the founders of Flowrette are true enthusiasts.
Since the beginnings of Flowrette, they have been inspired by dried flowers and thefloral universe To offer unique creations full of poetry. The multitude of forms that flowers can have guided them towards the creation of a concept store with a strong identity. We discover original creations all of artisanal origin. Surrounded by craftsmen as passionate as they are, Elodie and Côme are always looking for new forms and materials to offer Quality craft creations In the Flowrette Store concept.
Flowrette is thus a brand, but also a place where all the enthusiasts of flowers and decoration can share their inspiration there.
Flowrette, Unique know-how
Like any self -respecting concept store, at Flowrette we have a unique universe that we are proud to share with our community. The store is based on three major principles, starting with the commitment. This relates in particular to the raw materials used for all Flowrette products. Flowers in particular come exclusively from Europe in a real concern for environmental preservation. They are drawn from responsible cultures and exploitation.
There creativity and thelisten are also our watchwords. Indeed, the concept store Flowrette is above all a team of passionate craftsmen who create unique and original products.
Anxious to enhance know-how, we are looking for craftsmen from around the world who put all their creativity at the service of our concept store.
We believe that our commitments, the quality of our products and your satisfaction materialized by customer opinions will be our best marketing.

At Flowrette, a product universe which gradually grows
The floral theme is our DNA material that we love. However, today Flowrette is now much more than a flower shop. A simple florist.
Above all, we seek to highlight the know-how in a Handicraft concept. We have thus extended our product universe. Our idea is to accompany you in your daily life always a little more. This is why after the dried flowers, we worked on jewelry, DIY, decoration and now that we are working on household linen, table art ...
We can't wait to make you discover everything!
Creations for fans of DIY
We have always wanted to offer the possibility of composing your own flowery creations or not! This is why we have set up Do It Yourself kits, by that mean kits with all the necessary equipment to create pretty compositions in different forms: from the bouquet to candles, passing by the crowns, if you want to highlight your creativity, DIY kits are made for you!

Products craftsmanship
At Flowrette we make it a point of honor to integrate a responsible approach. We are mainly committed to an artisanal manufacturing process, which encompasses our imprint on the environment, artisanal production guarantees that your products are created in reasoned quantities. This approach is also found in terms of the selection of designer craftsmen, and the raw materials used.

Products for sale via eshop throughout France
The concept store Flowrette was first born online via the Flowrette e-shop. You find all our offer our online store allows you to discover our entire selection of craft products in the simplest and most fluid way possible. Each proposed article is classified in an independent section. We discover in particular the universe of dried flowers which include bouquets, bells and flower boots in particular. Fleuris jewelry is offered in a dedicated jewelry section, while DIY items, decoration and plant compositions are also highlighted.
We take care to take your products hyperly carefully so that there is no breakage and we give you very quickly throughout France.
With Colissimo and Chronopost, your orders arrive in 24 hours!
A concept store in Paris: The house Flowrette les Batignolles
For all those who want to discover our artisanal universe "in real", it is possible to visit us in our concept store in the heart of Paris: the Flowrette house located in the Batignolles district. Here, you will find the whole universe of Flowrette, but also good humor, advice and above all, many ideas for (you) please!
We will be very happy to welcome you and tell you about Flowrette.
To find out more about the concept store Flowrette
If you want to know more about the project of Flowrette Concept Store dedicated to craftsmanship, we have documented what we want to do. If you want to follow our adventures, do not hesitate to follow us on social networks!
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