Our blog on the manufacture of our jewelry
Sep 18, 2022
écrit par Christelle Martin

Dried flower jewelry: why do they crack us?

THE flower jewelry are currently making their comeback. They attract more and more, because they are both authentic and unique. Not only do they allow you to accessorize an outfit, but they also convey a message and emotions. In fact, these are more than jewelry, since they can have meanings or symbolize values.

Do you know the dried flower jewelry? It's a Handmade jewelry Made with previously dried flowers, resin and resistant metal reinforcements, including stainless steel, 925 silver, plated silver or plated gold. He has motorcycles Originality and creativity And it is currently available in different parts: earrings, pendants, rings, bracelets, ...

There are different ways of Design a jewel of dried flowers Depending on the desired type of jewelry.

The main Dried flower jewelry

Pendant in dried flowers

You can create, for example, a pendant In a ball by imprisoning the flower of your choice in resin. Otherwise, you can also make a wooden pendant using real dried flowers. You can also produce a peak pendant using different plants and golden leaves. And finally, you can create a personalized pendant using a special round cubochon mold.

For this last option, you need to pour your resin and you need to add dried flowers With microbeads, sequins, acrylic paint or dyes. After that, you must stick your creation on a support using a jewelry glue. Otherwise, you can also pierce it with a hand mandrel. Finally, add a pendant attachment and a chain, and that's it, you get A nice jewel of dried flowers !


Earrings in dried flowers

To create earrings, just fix your pendant to ear hooks. Otherwise, other alternatives are also available to you as the fact of Refit dried flowers without molds, using a rings mold or fixing flowers on polymer dough.

Like pendants, earrings in dried flowers are infinitely customizable. You can create Vintage earrings, chic earrings and natural earrings By varying the color of your flowers, the shape of your jewelry and the material of your support.

Ring with dried flowers

To create a ring in dried flowers, slide a dried flower and pressed into a set intercalaire. Then you have to add a few drops of liquid resin. As specified above, dried flowers can make your Original and unique jewelry. In addition, they allow you to benefit from an elegant and attractive flowery ring.

Bracelet dried flowers

To make a bracelet in dried flowers, you must first choose a mold in the shape of a ring. Then, it is necessary to fill the latter half with the resin then gently place the petals and the dried flowers pressed with a small pliers.

It is important to be careful that creation does not contain bubbles. Then, fill the mold with resin to the top. In general, we advise to wait between 3 to 4 days to finish a flowery bracelet. But afterwards, You can wear it every day and as much as you want, so it's worth waiting a few days right?

You hesitate between all these jewels and you certainly want to know more about the jewelry that makes us crack. We tell you even more about our article dedicated to 5 types of flowery jewelry that make us crack !


Flower jewelry: What meaning for flowers?

One of the advantages of dried flower jewelry at Flowrette is that your jewel will be really unique!

Indeed, you cannot have exactly the same flowery jewel as your friend, since each jewel is hand -created, and uses flowers that can have different shapes, it makes your jewelry of dried flowers really unique.

THE meanings of each flower

Furthermore, know that each flower inserted in dried flower jewelry has its own meaning.

The gypsophile, for example, is the emblem of happiness. This flower is considered a real lucky. This means that she can dismiss you from misfortunes and sadness if you wear it with you.

Lobélia, on the other hand, is the emblem of respect and positive thoughts. With its blue color, it can Improve your mood And make you benefit from its ornamental and medicinal qualities.

For what myosotis is the emblem of memory. It can remind you of certain moments of your life while helping you build you that last.

To deepen the subject we have created an article concerning The meaning of flowers in your jewelry.


With their heart -shaped shape and mauve trendy blue color, thoughts can also seduce you. They constitute a real emblem of love Or admiration and they can help you have a clear and calm mind.

Regarding the Véronique de Perse, this flower is an emblem of loyalty. His name means in Greek "bring victory". Which makes her real proof of love to offer to the person you love.

Of course, there is also the mini pink. This flower is the emblem of tender beauty and love. It symbolizes tenderness and sweetness. This flower is also A proof of deep friendship. Sometimes it even allows you to communicate a message of joy and happiness with its pink petals that saw white.

But the list does not stop there, we can also cite the prunus spinosa. This pretty white flower is the emblem of renewal. It symbolizes spring, purity and rebirth. This is a flower to choose if you want to distribute zero, take a new start or start a new life.

Finally, we have chosen to finish this selection with the Spirée, which is the emblem of the will and obstinacy. It is considered a sacred plant with its flowers grouped in clusters. With this flower you indicate the following message: "My will is tenacious".

It should be noted that certain plants can also be used in the creation of Flower costume jewelry, citing only: the artemisia abrotanum, the capselle and the fetuque.

Where to find flowery jewelry?

Flower jewelry on the web

It is quite possible to order a jewel in dried flowers online! At Flowrette, we offer a wide range of jewelry in dried flowers. Each jewel is thought of in our Parisian workshop in collaboration with a specialist craftsman. They are then created by hand with meticulousness and passion by craftsmen who know all the techniques to make quality, original and durable flowery jewelry.

Each jewel is dispatched by post to letter followed or chronopost in a beautiful setting that will protect your jewelry and allow you to keep it.

In our shop: La Maison Flowrette Rue Boursault

Do you want to see them in real life before cracking? We understand you and you can!

Our jewelry collection is available in our shop: La Maison Flowrette, 55 rue Boursault, 75017 Paris.

You will find the whole of our collection.

Learn even more!

Do you want to know even more about dried flower jewelry and in particular how to keep them and take care of them? We reveal our secrets to you for Keep your jewelry.

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