How to make paper flowers?
Flowers are the perfect accessory to offer as a gift or add to a room to embellish it. However, fresh flowers have a great limit: they fade after a few days. Recently, an interesting alternative has been known and conquered many people. These are the paper flowers. These are flowers that are made from paper of various types. The advantage is that they last long enough and do not require maintenance. If you are a fond of creative work, you are the ideal candidate for the Creation of paper flowers. We invite you to discover how paper flowers are made.
Which paper or cardboard to choose to make paper flowers
How its name suggests, paper flowers are made up of paper ... You can cheat by also using cardboard ...
However, it is crucial to select the appropriate paper compared to its creation. Three types of paper stand out in the making of paper flowers: crepe paper, Canson paper, and tissue paper.
Crepron paper is widely acclaimed for the creation of paper flowers thanks to its versatility, its elasticity, its unique texture, and the wide variety of available shades. It is also attractive for its good value for money. However, it should be noted that it can be easily teared up and that its colors can fade in the presence of humidity or when friction. A sharp scissors and delicate handling are recommended to work with this type of paper.
Canson paper is privileged for its robustness and resistance, which makes the flowers made with this material more durable. Its smooth and uniform aspect gives a careful rendering to creations. However, its lack of flexibility can make the realization of certain forms of petals more complex, and its cost is generally higher than that of crepe paper.
Finally, tissue paper is an attractive option to create light and delicate paper flowers thanks to its finesse and translussity. However, it is extremely sensitive to humidity and can be very easy to tear.
Each type of paper has its own advantages and disadvantages, if you want to know even more about Which paper to choose for paper flowers, we have really developed this subject on this article. Therefore, the choice largely depends on the desired effect and the level of resistance required for your project.
What are the tools to make paper flowers?
To design paper flowers, you need appropriate equipment. First of all, you need paper. There are several types with specific uses. For example, there is Canson paper which has an ideal grammage to make flowers, especially to reproduce the leaves.
There is also the crepe paper which makes it possible to make the heart of certain flowers. Holiday paper is used to make the petals, pimples and hearts of flowers when they are very thin. The manipulation of this paper is delicate and must be done with dexterity, because it is easily tear. It gives a natural result of flowers.
Besides the paper which is the first material to make a flower, it is necessary:
- a cutting carpet,
- A glue gun,
- right scissors,
- Special blade scissors for the forms of flower contours,
- a transparent rule,
- a rotary cutter to cut several thicknesses of paper at a time,
- A cutting pliers,
- brushes to paint leaves and petals,
- Adhesive tape for florist,
- liquid white glue,
- wire.
Once you have all this material, you are ready for the realization of your paper flowers. Also find our article for you guide step by step in your creation of paper flowers.
Some techniques to make paper flowers
THE Paper flower manufacturing techniques vary depending on the type of flowers to be reproduced. It is possible to make paper flowers with cardboard paper or tissue paper or with a mix of these two types of paper. For the first DIY, we will make a paper rose.
The paper rose technique
For the first technique, we will leave on the Manufacture of the rose. As is the case with any origami, you will have to go on the use of leaves. You will need three crePon paper sheets of the color of your choice, a stick, a glue, a hot glue pistol, an adhesive ribbon for florist and scissors.
The first step is to fold the paper. Fold the sheet in triangle three times in a row while forming a cone. You must do the same folding for the three sheets.
The second step is to cut the folds. To do this, take a pair of scissors and cut the cone in a rounded way and also cut the tip. To have different petal sizes, cut the larger cornet each time. You will get petals ranging from the largest to the smallest.
The third step is to define the petals. Unfold the three leaves and cut a petal at each different sheet. You get different sizes of petals.
For the fourth step, you will have to train the petals to finally build your pink. Put glue on a first petal, then put another petal above the first to stick them. Do the same for all sizes.
Then roll up the top of each petal back to give it a realistic appearance. Then stick the petals successively from the smallest to the largest on the stick covered with floral ribbon which will take place of rod.
You can apply glitter brush on the slightly curved edges of the petals using a very realistic effect. Make the process several times to obtain a bouquet of roses To offer your mother for Mother's Day or just for a birthday. She will be delighted with this beautiful gesture.
DIY of the Hortensia flower
For this second DIY, we will leave on the Hortlestia flowers manufacturing. As the realization is not complex, you do not need to be a DIY ace before succeeding it.
However, it is necessary to have a little dexterity and the adequate material for the design of the flower. You will need a batch of white or colorful crepe papers, a glue gun and small polystyrene balls.
You must cut the paper so as to obtain several others in rounded shape with the serrated edges. Then fold each paper in half, in three until you get a triangle that can no longer be folded.
Then glue the base of the triangle on the polystyrene ball with hot glue. Glue all the triangles until the ball is completely covered. You can now prick a wooden stick in the ball to imitate the rod of the flower. Your hydrangea flower is ready.
Make a number of copies of your choice to form a Bouquet of eternal hydrangea. Place the stems in a beautiful vase and you have a magnificent bouquet of flowers. You can offer it in a single bouquet or associate it with other flowers such as rose. The hydrangea is perfect for staying in the center of flower bouquets and giving them volume.

On what opportunity to opt for paper flowers?
THE paper flowers must be offered on any occasion. They are perfect if you want to offer a gift that is both durable and memorable. On Mother's Day, this is the ideal gift to please him.
In addition, a paper bouquet Suitable for all those who prefer eco -responsible accessories. If your mother does not have a green hand, the paper flowers offer her peace of mind. She can have a beautiful bouquet of flowers without spending energy to maintain it.
The paper bouquet is not only for Mother's Day. If you are a man, you can please your beloved wife by offering her a paper bouquet. Offer it for a birthday, a hanging of rack or as a thank you.
You can also opt for The paper flower For the decoration of your living space. It will find its place perfectly in your living room, in your dining room or in the center of your office table.
For events such as a wedding, the baptism of children, you could choose paper bouquets to add color to the places while ensuring the sustainability of the decor.
If you have other DIY ideas, do not hesitate to follow tutorials in written or video format to make your most beautiful paper bouquets. A DIY offered is a great gift idea.
If you are seduced by paper bouquets and accessories and wish Learn even more about paper flowers, Discover our contents on paper flowers, the new decoration trend. You will learn a lot about the reasons that make paper flowers, the ideal alternative to fresh flowers.
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