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Apr 12, 2024
écrit par Marie

The elegance of stabilized flowers: the perfect gift

In our Perfect gift quest , we are often faced with a multitude of choices that can make us undecided. Flowers have always been a popular choice as present on special occasions, such as Mother's Day or birthdays. However, offering a bouquet of fresh flowers may seem too ephemeral and not very durable. Fortunately, there is an innovative and durable alternative today: stabilized flowers. These flowers, Sustainable bouquets are perfect for please your mother. In this article, we explain to you what a stabilized flower is, how it makes it possible to obtain lasting floral arrangements and why they represent the Ideal gift for your mother .

What is stabilized flowers?

THE Stabilized flowers are natural flowers which were submitted to a single conservation process. Thanks to this method, flowers keep their beauty, shape and color for an extended period, sometimes up to several years.

The secret lies in the use of a mixture of natural substances, such as vegetable glycerin, in which flowers are plunged.

This liquid enters the plant's cells, gradually replacing water and other elements that tend to degrade over time. This allows flowers to keep their Fresh and bright appearance Without requiring maintenance, such as watering.

Bouquet of stabilized flowers

The advantages of stabilized flowers

You are certainly wondering why adopt stabilized flowers? The use of stabilized flowers has many advantages compared to conventional flowers:

Sustainability : Stabilized flowers last much longer than fresh flowers, without gap or losing their color. They can keep their beauty for up to several years, if they are properly maintained (for example by preserving them from direct sunlight and humidity).

Minimal maintenance : Unlike traditional flowers, stabilized flowers are never water, fertilizers or regular care. Just keep it out of the sun's rays and bad weather. It is absolutely necessary to keep it in a dry place. For maintenance, simply dust the bouquet by gently using a hair dryer.

Ecological : Stabilized flowers have a lower environmental impact than fresh flowers, because they do not meet the needs in transport, water and chemical fertilizers. It is the ideal gift to preserve the environment.

Unprecedented variety : The stabilization technique also preserves exotic or seasonal species that it would be impossible to find in a traditional bouquet.

Silver economy : Thanks to stabilized flowers, you can save money. While fresh flowers are to be renewed regularly, it is not the same for stabilized flowers. The latter can last for months, even years, without fade. It is therefore an absolute gain of money.

Why are stabilized flowers the perfect gift for your mother?

Now that you have learned what the conservation technique is and what advantages it offers in relation to conventional bouquets, you may wonder how the Stabilized flowers represent the perfect gift for your mother. In order to answer this question, let us examine some of the elements that make stabilized floral arrangement a wise choice 

Timeless beauty

THE Stabilized flowers Have a look as fresh and radiant as natural flowers, with the advantage of lasting much longer: by offering a bouquet, a stabilized plant or rose, you allow your mother to keep and appreciate this precious object hang from many months, or even years (subject to a minimal interview). In addition, as preserved flowers should neither light nor water, they are also more flexible in terms of placement and decoration.

The originality of the present

By choosing a Stabilized flower arrangement, you also show your mother that you have opted for something unique and innovative, breaking with the banality of a simple bouquet of cut flowers. The diversity of possible species, colors and compositions allows you to personalize your gift according to your mother's tastes and preferences, while respecting your budgetary requirements.

The symbolism of the gesture

Offering flowers is a strong gesture loaded with emotion and symbolism. THE Stabilized flowers  mark an evolution in this secular tradition: they testify not only to the love and the affection you have to your mother, but also the sustainability of your privileged link. By creating this Durable and elegant gift , you will offer him a symbol of this love that will not fade over time.

How to customize your bouquet more?

To make your mother's gift even more memorable, you can personalize your Bouquet of stabilized flowers in various ways.

Accompany it with a card

The success of a gift often comes from Demonstration of affection and intention that it contains. Writing a touching handwritten card allows you to express the feelings you want to share with your mother and show additional attention. You can also entrust this to Flowrette, specifying the message to be registered on the card when ordering. We will take care of adding it to your order.

Add decorative accessories

Think of accessories such as ribbons for more personalization. The options are endless and allow you to create a really unique gift.

Choose a suitable container

Finally, think of the container that will welcome your bouquet: an elegant vase for example for your Stabilized flowers . Mom will be even more delighted with this attention. Flowrette offers a Wide variety of vases For all tastes and preferences. So do not hesitate to choose the one that would go perfectly with the Stabilized bouquet, perfect gift for Mother's Day..

Thus, stabilized flowers are an original, durable and elegant alternative to traditional bouquets of fresh flowers. The bouquet of Stabilized flowers, perfect and above all durable gift, will accompany your mother for many months. In addition, you can easily customize them by adding a card or vase that corresponds to its taste. Do not hesitate to consider this innovative floral option when looking for the perfect present for the one that counts so much in your life.

If you are looking for other options Bouquets for Mother's Day , you will be served. Discover the option of the dried flowers as well as Original creations of paper flowers To please the special person that is your mother.

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