Our blog on eternal flowers
Feb 21, 2024
écrit par Marie

Choose the perfect flower for each opportunity: the complete guide

THE flowers have always been carrying deep symbolic meanings , each telling a unique story and evoking various emotions. From the brilliant red pink to the delicate white daisy, each flower conveys a clean language, often used to communicate feelings and intentions. Thus, the choice of a bouquet of flowers becomes much more than a simple question of aesthetics; It is a subtle and elegant way of expressing emotions and marking important events. If you ask What flowers for each occasion , you are in the right place. In this article, we present some tips for you to choose the right flowers on the basis of their traditional meaning.

Weddings: symbolic and beauty to celebrate love

Choose them  Good flowers for a wedding is essential to express the emotions that accompany this big day. The key ingredients for a successful wedding bouquet are symbolism, color and style.


THE Rose language is vast and varied, but they generally represent love and affection. Red roses symbolize passionate love, while white roses represent purity and innocence. For a wedding, you can opt for red roses as well as white roses. It is quite possible to combine the two colors for a bouquet in harmony.


These magnificent flowers are symbols of love and prosperity. Their large size and soft color make it a popular choice for wedding bouquets. Peonies can compose the bouquet alone or combine with other flowers such as gypsophiliac or tulips.


Orchids, with their exotic beauty and their bewitching aura, are much more than simple flowers. They embody sensuality and seduction, making them an ideal choice to add a touch of sophistication at any wedding. Their delicate petals and vibrant colors captivate attention, creating a spectacular visual effect in floral arrangements.

In addition to their remarkable aesthetics, orchids bring a rich symbolic dimension to a wedding ceremony. They represent love, passion and commitment, echoing the wishes exchanged between the spouses. Their durability and timeless elegance make them perfect companions to celebrate a love that lasts over time.

Funeral: express condolences and support with dignity

THE CHoix Flowers For funerals can be difficult because it must reflect both the feelings of loss and support for those close to the deceased. In these delicate moments, flowers play an important role by expressing deep emotions and offering comfort to those who cry the loss of a loved one. The choices of flowers can vary depending on cultural and religious traditions.

The lilies

With their Timeless elegance and their symbolism of purity and redemption, lilies are often chosen for funerals. Their presence brings a touch of respect and dignity to the ceremony, while their delicate perfume embalges the air of an atmosphere of peace and serenity.


Chrysanthemums are also common choices for funeral arrangements. Their abundance of petals and their longevity make them suitable flowers to express respect and admiration towards the deceased. In some cultures, they represent Eternity and immortality. Their variety of colors makes it possible to create solemn arrangements and respectful of the memory of the disappeared.


As mentioned above, the Rdares have a very diverse meaning. Another popular option is to express condolences and support during funerals. For funerals, red roses can evoke the sorrow and lost love, while the white roses express the innocence of the soul of the deceased and the hope of an eternal life.

Symbols of purity, innocence and spiritual renewal, white roses also transmit a message of peace and hope to mourning families. Their sweet and comforting presence offers welcome relief in moments of sadness and sorrow.

The gladios

Glaousuls are Remarkable flowers, known for their elegance and majestic port. They are appreciated throughout the world for their striking beauty and their deep symbolism. Symbols of moral strength and character, the gladiors carry a particular meaning when they are chosen for events such as funeral. Offering swords in tribute to a deceased person is a respectful way of recognizing their qualities of courage, perseverance and determination.

In addition to their symbolism, the gladios are also appreciated for their variety of vibrant colors. From pure white to deep red, passing through tender pink and royal purple, there is a great diversity of colors from the gladios, allowing to choose flowers that mark the personality and preferences of the deceased.

Funeral arrangements containing gladios can vary depending on cultural traditions and personal preferences. Simple compositions highlighting the natural beauty of the gladios with more elaborate arrangements incorporating other flowers and decorative elements, there are a multitude of options to honor the memory of a loved one with these emblematic flowers.

THE Choice of flowers For funeral is a personal and moving decision. Whether it is lily symbolizing purity, chrysanthemums expressing respect, or white roses offering comfort, each floral arrangement is a sincere expression of condolences and support for those who cry the loss of a loved one. .

Birthdays: the joy of celebrating a life filled with love and happiness

Choose the perfect flower For a birthday is not trivial. It is essential to choose flowers that refer not only the affection you have to the person concerned, but also their personality. Here are some flower ideas to adopt for a birthday.

The sunflowers

These solar flowers are synonymous with joy, energy and positivity. A bouquet of sunflowers will brighten up the day of any recipient.

The sunflowers are much more than simple flowers; They are living symbols of joy, energy and positivity. Offering a bouquet of sunflowers to someone for their birthday is a gesture loaded with meaning, because these solar flowers embody the celebration of life and the promise of bright days to come.

Their vibrant color and large size immediately attract attention and evoke a feeling of contagious happiness. The sunflowers are able to instantly transform the atmosphere of a room by bringing a warm and joyful atmosphere.

In addition to their positive symbolism, sunflowers are also associated with vitality and energy. Their dynamic presence in a bouquet recalls how beautiful and precious life is, thus encouraging the recipient to celebrate his birthday with enthusiasm and gratitude for each precious moment.


The iris, with their delicate beauty and timeless elegance, represent much more than simple flowers. They are the ambassadors of wisdom and hope, carrying with them a deep message of appreciation and optimism for the future.

By offering iris for a birthday, you express your recognition for the exceptional qualities of the recipient. The iris symbolize wisdom, insight and clairvoyance, thus demonstrating your admiration for the person and their discerning discernment in life. It is a subtle, but significant way to tell him how much you appreciate his wisdom and know-how.

In addition, IRIS are also associated with theHope and promise better days to come. Their presence in a bouquet transmits a message of optimism and confidence in the future, thus emphasizing your desire to share even more precious moments together.

The Marguerites

Symbols of innocent and sincere love, the Marguerites are perfect for expressing your affection to a friend or a loved one on his birthday. Their simplicity and timeless beauty make them flowers full of charm and tenderness, ideal for transmitting warm wishes and affectionate feelings. Offering a bouquet of marguerites to someone for their birthday is a soft and attentive gesture, which shows both your love and your respect for the celebrated person. The Marguerites also evoke joyful memories and moments of shared happiness, which makes it a perfect choice to celebrate another year of life and precious memories to come.

Baptisms: choose the perfect flower to symbolize purity and grace

In this sacred context, the flowers chosen must express  purity, innocence and benevolence . You have several options for choosing the perfect flower for such an event.

The lilies

Choose them Lys for baptism is a decision responsible for symbolism and meaning. As mentioned earlier, the white lily is a symbol of purity and grace. He embodies immaculate innocence and beauty, making it a very popular choice for baptism ceremonies.

White lilies are traditionally associated with purity and redemption, and their presence during a baptism evokes the promise of a new spiritual life. Choosing the lilies for a baptism symbolizes the desire for welcome and protection for the newborn in the religious community, as well as the wish to see it grow in faith and purity.

In addition to their religious symbolism, the lilies are also appreciated for their timeless elegance and their graceful beauty. Their presence in floral arrangements brings a touch of refinement and sophistication to celebration, while recalling the purity and innocence of childhood.


THE white roses, with their meaning of innocence and purity, are completely suitable for this type of event. Do not hesitate to mix them with other delicate flowers such as lisianthus or freesias.


Lily of the valley is often chosen for a baptism due to its deeply positive symbolism and its traditional meaning. These small white bells, emblematic of spring are associated with notions of purity, innocence and renewal. By opting for valley during a baptism, we wish to symbolically welcome the newborn in the religious community with wishes of happiness, prosperity and protection.

Lily of the valley also evokes The freshness and sweetness of childhood, as well as the promise of a life filled with joy and divine love. Thus, lily of the valley is chosen for a baptism for its ability to transmit positive wishes and blessings for the future spiritual journey of the child, while bringing a touch of freshness and purity to celebration.

The gypsophile

Choose gypsophile for baptism is a decision responsible for symbolism and meaning. His very name, which means "lover of gypsum", refers to his preference for limestone soils. This delicate plant, with small white flowers, embodies simplicity and modesty, ideal values ​​for an event as sacred as a baptism.

THE white gypsophile flowers Symbolize purity and innocence, important qualities in the context of a baptism ceremony which celebrates the spiritual birth of a new member of the religious community. Offering gypsophile during a baptism is a gesture that expresses the desire to protect and guide the newborn on the path of life with humility and benevolence.

For Choose the perfect flower For an opportunity, it is essential to take into account the personal tastes of the one who will receive the bouquet, but also the colors and textures that will highlight the entire decoration of the event. And this is where knowing the meaning of different flowers is important. You can express your emotions adequately for each occasion by choosing the suitable flowers.

Also knowing the different seasons of flowers is a major asset for the right choice of flowers. Our article What are the seasons of the different flowers speaks about it in detail.

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